Free password manager with identity protection
Securely store, share and auto-login to your accounts with Proton Pass, using end-to-end encryption trusted by millions.
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Stay secure and save time with
Proton Pass
Sign in faster with Proton Pass
Proton Pass recognizes the websites and apps you use and autofills forms with your credentials for you on any browser or device. No need to copy and paste.
Hide-my-email aliases
Besides storing your logins, Proton Pass protects your identity with an integrated email alias feature.
Whenever you sign up for a new online account, Proton Pass can automatically create an alias to keep your actual email address protected.
Integrated 2FA authenticator
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is one of the best ways to protect your accounts online. Proton Pass makes 2FA easier with an integrated authenticator that stores your 2FA codes and automatically displays and autofills them.
Secure password sharing
Easily share sensitive information with anyone, even if they don't use Proton Pass. You can share a single password, note, or credit card, or multiple items in the same folder.
Dark Web Monitoring
Receive immediate alerts if your personal information is leaked in a third-party data breach. You can monitor multiple email addresses or your own domain name.
Securely log in with passkeys
Passkeys are an easy and secure alternative to traditional passwords that prevent phishing attacks and make your online experience smoother. Proton Pass supports passkeys on all platforms.
Trusted by over 100 million people and businesses
Switch from any browser or password manager to Proton Pass in 1 click
A better password manager for people, not profit
We're headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, under the protection of strict Swiss privacy laws and neutrality, employing over 500 people in Europe.
Proton works for the public good. We have no venture capital investors, and our primary shareholder is the non-profit Proton Foundation.
Proton is a mission-driven organization and Proton Pass is FREE forever. You'll always be able to store unlimited passwords with our free plan.
Simple, encrypted solutions to protect your business
According to the latest reports, 24% of breaches are caused by stolen credentials. Improve your business's security and make it easy to create and safely share unique passwords for all your accounts with Proton Pass for Business.
Learn more about password security
What is a password manager?
A password manager “remembers” your logins so you don’t have to. But because the password manager holds the keys to your digital life, it’s crucial your password manager itself is secure.
How to store and manage your passwords safely
Creating strong passwords is a good start, but you’ll also need to store them safely in a way that you can access when you actually need them, plus edit them and add new passwords when you sign up for new services.
Are password managers safe?
A good password manager is designed to keep out intruders while keeping your data private. How well they do this, though, depends very much on the individual service.
Protect more than just your passwords
When you sign up for Proton Pass, you'll get access to the free tier of Proton VPN, Proton Mail, Proton Calendar, and Proton Drive.
Proton Pass
Securely store, share, and auto-login to your accounts using end-to-end encryption.
Proton VPN
Secure your internet connection and bypass censorship with our high-speed VPN.
Proton Mail
Protect your communications with user-friendly encrypted email.
Proton Calendar
Save time scheduling and stay organized with shared calendars for you and your family.
Proton Drive
Collaborate securely, share large files, and back up your data automatically.